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Performance Management

What is Performance Management?

Play: What is Performance Management?

Simplifying Performance Management

Performance management is often defined as maximizing the output of every employee. However, we prefer a more approachable definition: Performance = Output + Engagement.

Breaking Down Performance

Improving Performance

Two key factors contribute to improved performance:

  1. Great onboarding: Ensuring alignment with company values from the start.
  2. Effective feedback cycles: Continuous alignment and understanding throughout your employment.

The Power of Feedback

Feedback is the magical element that aligns everything. It can be used to:

The Impact of Feedback

Research shows significant benefits of regular feedback:

Benefits for Employees

Better performance leads to:

The Importance of Frequent Feedback

Feedback should be as frequent as possible because:

Continuous Feedback vs. Annual Reviews

Annual performance reviews are like getting directions after you've arrived at your destination. Continuous feedback, on the other hand, can lead to a 39% improvement in performance.

Balanced Feedback

Remember, feedback isn't just about pointing out mistakes. It's also about magnifying strengths and encouraging positive behaviors.